Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday Greetings with a little Cupcake Tuesday thrown in for good measure...

My family have a tradition my siblings have names 'Cupcake Tuesday'. Each Tuesday we indulge in the whimsical and sugary realm of the cupcake! Now, I know it's not a Tuesday but I just couldn't resist posting this pic in homage to the last 'Cupcake Tuesday' we had. :)

It's Sunday.
Life feels like a long layered and sumptuous soundtrack, and I'm in that happy song, you know the one. That song you sing to out loud in the car at the top of your lungs. The one that makes you feel alive...

We are alive and right now people are out there somewhere, icing cupcakes, humming to the radio, and watching the lights shimmer off the water whilst toasting cheese sandwiches.

I am living in the melted cheese layer and looking up at the stars with awe.

Hello Sunday ;)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

life, the universe and everything.

Just a quote for today:

"When you get right down to it, it's all sublime. That is, indescribable. You don't stop, though. You keep trying to describe it."